
Hey everyone! This is my first post here! My name is Alisha. I am 17 years old. As you all may know, I am visually impaired. I was born with and diagnosed with optic nerve hypoplasia. My goal with this blog is educate the sighted, help other blind and low-vision readers, and provide information to my fellow Blind and Visually Impaired readers. To blind and visually impaired people, help and information may be harder to find. My goal is to make your life easier. Sometimes blind and visually impaired people may need help from Services. Those services are hard to find. If I bring them to you, and put them all in one place, you will have the information you need. As someone who is partially blind myself, I have done tons of research, spent countless hours finding the help that I need, and getting stressed and giving up when I couldn’t. I understand what you’re going through. I want to help. As far as the sighted goes, I understand people have many questions and want to learn. Sighted people make misconceptions about blind people all the time. Sighted people may also ask questions that the blind don’t want to, or can’t answer at the time. As a blind person I want to disclose all of these. If there is any questions and feedback you want to give me, I will try my best to answer it all. Don’t fret if I don’t get to it right away. Be patient. I hope my blog helps you all as time goes on. Thank you for reading.

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